Why You Need a Professional Photographer for Luxury Hotel, Resort & Villa Photography
Because You Want Results!
You're reading this (hopefully) because you want to enhance your luxury branding, or you want to increase your bookings or sales.
You only have a few seconds to capture someone's attention in cases involving holiday accommodations or real estate investments. And you can be sure that people pay attention first to images—not words.
If you use anything less than the absolute best images of your property, you run the risk of them quickly losing interest in your property.
With professionally shot and technically edited images, you will more powerfully capture people's interest so that they will spend a longer period of time considering your property offering. The longer they're thinking about your offering, the more engaged they will become, and the more likely they will act according to the results you're wanting.
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LuxViz Photography Is Superior
Here's a more detailed explanation to illustrate how LuxViz photography services differ from almost every other photographer in Bali and surrounding areas.
Anyone can shoot a photograph... but that doesn't mean that the photos that they give to their clients are truly professional—and stunning—images.
We Have a Superior Understanding of Imaging Technology
Digital cameras capture scenes in very different ways than our eyes do, mainly because our "image processing engines" (our brains) are much much more sophisticated than image processing systems in even the most advanced professional cameras. Many times, "what you see" in your mind's eye is not "what you get" in the photograph someone shoots of a particular scene. And, many "photographers" don't understand these differences.
Often, we intentionally shoot an "inferior" photo, because of understanding in advance exactly how we will edit that photo to produce a superior final image for our client.
We Have a Superior Commitment to Quality
The visual differences between what you see with your eyes and what the camera sees and captures need to be addressed in the following ways:
- Correcting the color balance
- Fine-tuning the exposure
- Correcting lens distortion
- Correcting perspective and alignment issues
- Removing extraneous details
Addressing these issues requires extensive digital editing and enhancement techniques—which are substantially different skills than those needed for shooting good photographs. The specific editing steps are not something that can be correctly applied to the entire image, but which must be done on a zone-by-zone basis.
And, many people who call themselves "photographers" are either inexperienced in editing, or, not as committed to edit every zone in each photo to the highest possible quality standards as we are.
310 Steps from RAW Camera File to Final Image
While it's a little dated now, here's an 18-minute video that shows how we literally spent hours, performing over 300 individual editing steps, on one RAW photo, to transform it into a stunning, final image for our client.

Digital Editing Showcase
We're not only highly-skilled in shooting excellent photos, we're also experts in being able to see all the ways that a digital photograph needs to be enhanced after shooting... and we're experts in performing those enhancements.
Our website includes over 600 hard-to-believe samples of our "Million-Dollar" editing of luxury hotel, resort and villa photos. These samples allow you to actually compare the photos as they come straight from the camera—that many non-professional "photographers" give as-is to their clients—with our professionally-edited, final images that we delivered to our clients.
Our Digital Editing Showcase is designed to visually illustrate the difference a professional photography agency can make.

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