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Before & After PDF
We've created a PDF file for this image gallery that shows the before and after versions of all images, along with notes for the things we corrected in the original photos.
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We've created a PDF file for this image gallery that shows the before and after versions of all images, along with notes for the things we corrected in the original photos.
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - early morning shot of the pool area #1
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - early morning shot of the pool area #2
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - early morning shot of the pool area #3 (elevated view)
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - early morning shot of the pool area #4 (low-level view)
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - early morning bedroom view from adjoining rice field area
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - late afternoon pool lounging area looking back to the pool and villa
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - late afternoon shot of the downstairs living area
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - dusk shot across the pool
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - evening shot of the dining area
Bali villa photography by master photographer Rick Carmichael of LuxViz: Kemah Tinggi Cepaka - dusk 'hero' shot across the pool to the villa
Designed by LuxViz in Bali | Copyright © | All Rights Reserved
Photo Shoot Details
Kemah Tinggi (Owner)
March 12, 2009
Capture hero shots to increase holiday rental inquiries for this luxury villa property in the village of Cepaka Bali.
One, multiple-day photoshoot. The services provided by LuxViz included photography and digital editing. Shooting was scheduled for early morning, and then again for mid-afternoon to dusk lighting conditions.