About LuxViz
Our Website
It's Slow(er)
Since we're professional photographers and image makers, and since the LuxViz "difference" is quality, we've intentionally chosen to use many, high-quality images on this website—which may make the performance in page load times a little slower than other sites. But, again, this was a conscious decision to optimize our site for image quality... rather than speed.
It's Massive
As mentioned above, from the perspectives of both quality and quantity, our new website is truly massive as you can see from the specs that follow:
- 2GB total storage space
- 200 HTML pages
- 3,000+ photographic images
- 26,000+ total files
It's Uniquely Interactive
This website is also uniquely interactive—especially in the image galleries for luxury hotels, resorts and villas. In those (and other) sections, you'll find:
- Application-like functionality
- Viewer control of interface elements
- Eye-opening "Before & After" editing comparisons
It's Optimized for Landscape
Our website provides the best viewing experience for devices in the landscape orientation in that more than 90% of all the images we produce for our clients are in that layout. Portrait orientation does works... but, the best viewing experience is in landscape mode.

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